Embracing wellness: A day of renewal at HRTorQue Outsourcing

Embracing wellness: A day of renewal at HRTorQue Outsourcing

Business, Human Resources
Health4Me, Wellness

Author: Sibusiso Shange

In the hustle and bustle of our daily work lives, it is easy to overlook the importance of self-care and wellbeing. However, at HRTorQue, we believe that investing in the health and happiness of our employees is essential for success. That is why we recently hosted a wellness day, dedicated to rejuvenation and renewal for all members of our team.

Organised in collaboration with Momentum Health4Me, our wellness day was filled with activities designed to nourish the mind, body and soul. As the event commenced, employees had the opportunity to check their blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, body fat and BMI. These health screenings provided valuable insights into one’s physical wellbeing and highlighted areas for improvement. One employee noted, “It was eye-opening to see my health metrics laid out so clearly. It has motivated me to make some positive changes.”

Recognising the onset of winter, employees also received flu vaccines. This proactive measure is important in safeguarding one’s health during the colder months, reducing the risk of illness and ensuring we remain fit and productive. As one staff member commented, “Getting the flu jab at work without booking with my doctor and  travelling was so convenient and gives me peace of mind as we head into winter.”

For participants that completed their health assessment on our wellness day, they received a R50 airtime voucher from Momentum. And for those Health4Me members that are registered for the More4Me free benefits, they also stand to receive a healthy heart score after completing the health assessments. Based on this score, members receive monthly rewards to up to R85 in their Momentum wallet for 12 months until their next health assessment is due. Momentum More4Me rewards you for leading a healthy lifestyle by offering airtime, data and shopping vouchers.

One of the highlights of the day was the lucky draw, where one of the employees had a chance to win a prize from Momentum for participating in the wellness day.

We also conducted a survey to gather feedback from our employees about their wellness day experience. Here are some of the responses we received:

  • “I appreciated how simple it was to get involved. The instructions were clear and the process was smooth from start to finish.”
  • “I really appreciated the health screenings. It has given me a better understanding of where I stand health-wise.”
  • “The wellness tips from last year have led to significant improvements in my overall health.”

The feedback from our wellness day highlights the significant benefits of investing in employee health and wellbeing. Our employees not only appreciated the simplicity and convenience of the wellness day, but many also reported tangible improvements in their health and lifestyle as a result of the advice provided during these events.

We strongly encourage other companies to invest in their employees’ health by adopting comprehensive wellness programmes like Health4Me. These programmes offer a range of benefits that can lead to healthier, more engaged and more productive employees.

Curious about the impact of health insurance on employee wellbeing? Don’t hesitate to reach out! We are eager to share our insights and guide you on the path to creating a supportive, health-focused work environment.


HRTorQue Financial Services is a registered financial service provider – FSP number 52068