- Return of Earnings (ROE) submission to the Department of Labour due date has now been extended from the 1st April 2023 to the 31st May 2023. Employers are encouraged to meet this deadline in order to avoid penalties. View our COIDA fact sheet together with pricing here.
- COIDA threshold increase changes: On the 10th March, Government Gazette 48187 was published containing a notice that listed the ‘Increase in monthly pensions’. At the end of the Gazette, it listed the earnings threshold for COID purposes as R 568 959. This means that there are two Gazettes with differing earnings thresholds. This matter was queried, and it has been confirmed by the Department of Employment and Labour that the earnings threshold to be applied in payroll systems for the period 1 March 2023 to 28 February 2024 is R 568 959. Read the complete newsflash here.
- The 2023 employer annual filing season opened on the 1st April 2023 and will close on the 31st May 2023. This means employers must submit all annual reconciliation declarations covering the tax year from 1 March 2022 to 28 February 2023. Note that EMP501’s must reflect accurate and up to date payroll information about your employees. If you often struggle during the employer filing season, we can assist. Whether you are using Psiber, Payspace, Sage 300 People or Sage VIP, our team of experienced professionals will take the hassle away. Contact us for more information.
- HRTorQue hosts a number of weekly, online HR-focused mini workshops, covering various topics to assist and guide your managers to perform more optimally in their positions. View our list of trainings available or email us for more information.