If you are not used to it, starting a business in South Africa can be time consuming and costly. Unfortunately, we have a legislative environment which makes it complex for new businesses. At a time when your focus should be on getting your business up and running and attracting your first clients, the last thing you need as an entrepreneur is admin.
While it may seem like an unnecessary cost, using the combination of a good outsourcer and the right systems will make your startup journey far easier and make your business far more likely to succeed.
Feel free to contact us for more information on [email protected] . Either we or our partners can assist you with all of the elements in the checklist.
I have included below an indicative checklist of the various things an outsource partner can assist you with. Let’s call it the “Start-up checklist”. Note this is not an exhaustive list:
Area of Focus | Things to do |
Registrations & setup |
Ongoing compliance | Company
Human Resources |
Information Technology |
Accounting & Tax | Over and above the compliance aspects:
Strategy |
Systems | The real benefit of modern cloud-based systems is that you can setup all of the above areas on cloud-based platforms that communicate and interface naturally with one another. This means all your info is real time and available to you wherever you are. For example: