Problems with IRP5’s Not Pre-populating Employees’ Tax Returns on eFiling

Problems with IRP5’s Not Pre-populating Employees’ Tax Returns on eFiling


Some of our clients have received numerous queries from their staff regarding IRP 5 certificates not reflecting on eFiling (on the employees’ tax returns). One client queried this matter with SARS and was told that SARS can see the certificates on their system. HRTorQue addressed SARS Large Business Centre for a resolution and received the following response on 3 July 2012:

“There seems to be a general problem where some clients are requesting their IT12 Returns and the IRP5 information is not pre populated. You may have already received calls from Payroll Administrators etc. complaining that their employees are not getting this information on their Returns. We checked on SSM and the submissions are successful, the certificates pulled through successfully and passed validation so the problem seems to be on the ATP pre population side.

Please advise them that Head Office is aware of the problem and is currently working on it. In the meantime, can you please forward me these cases so that I can log them to Revenue-Risk until the problem has been resolved.”

For assistance in this matter please contact [email protected].