The Compensation Commissioner has issued a final reminder for the submission of outstanding Return of Earnings for 2017.
An estimated return based on estimate earnings can now be submitted before the 31 October 2017.
On or before the 30th April 2017 (as extended by the recent notice) you are required to submit your Return of Earnings (ROE) submission to the Department of Labour, as is legislated under the Compensation For Occupational Injuries And Diseases Act (No. 30 of 1993). Each registered business must submit a separate return.
This Act replaces the Workmen’s Compensation Act and provides for compensation for disablement caused by occupational injuries or diseases sustained or contracted by employees in the course of their employment, and for death resulting from injuries and diseases. The benefits are paid from the Compensation Fund, which gets its money from compulsory contributions paid by employers. All employers carrying out business within the Republic of South Africa are required to register.
If you have not requested this service from us in the past and require us to complete and submit this return on your behalf, please contact us on [email protected]. If we have submitted for you in the past then we will complete your return and send you the figures before submission. The cost for this service is R702.00 per return (excl. VAT).