The COVID-19 outbreak is one that has forced business owners and employers to think outside the normal communication channels they have always used. More and more companies find that they need to virtually run their business with a lot of communicating having to be done virtually as well. A clear communication strategy has become critical during these times to ensure that employees remain as engaged as possible.
There are 3 basic principles employers should usually adhere to:
- Transparency,
- Compassion and
- Ownership
The question then arises, what more/ what else can businesses do to effectively manage Employer-Employee communication in a virtual world?
- Check in often
As an employer check in with your team as often as possible. This may be formal or informal as you show employees that they matter outside of work.
- Keep messaging clear and consistent
When communicating as an employer, do not give mixed messages or content. Always remain honest and consistent in the message to employees. Apart from good communication practices, this ensures employees are clear on what an organization is doing and how they hope to survive during these perilous times.
- Communication must flow both ways
Allow employees to communicate their fears, challenges, ideas, and accomplishments during one-on-one virtual meetings or team meetings. Have safe online channels of communication that address the different issues surrounding the pandemic and how it affects different individuals’ productivity.
- Eliminate micromanagement
In an office environment, management often manage hours logged, emails sent, and meetings scheduled. In a virtual team things are different. Management should nurture communication between team members to focus on managing results as opposed to managing tasks. Communicate benchmarks and deadlines to gauge effectiveness and productivity of individuals.
- Communicate a greater sense of purpose
Purpose is one of the most significant guiding principles of a leader. In “The Heart of Resilient Leadership”, Deloitte Global CEO Punit Renjen noted the vital role that purpose plays in fostering an engaged workforce and that employees feel a greater connection to the work they are doing each day when their companies are focused on an authentic purpose.
- Digital transformation
To further empower the workforce and maximize productivity, leaders should consider new technologies as well as digital ways of working and collaborating to improve productivity and engagement while preserving security and flexibility.