Newsletters & Articles


A Word on ‘SITE’

May we never hear this acronym again! Just a reminder that we are in the last year of SITE (Standard…

Official Rate of Interest

Despite a recent meeting of the Reserve Bank, interest rates remain unchanged (thankfully!). The current rate to be used when…
Employment Equity

Employment Equity

We have reached that time of year again when designated employers need to start thinking about their Employment Equity submissions.…
Human Resources

Why use a coach?

In the pressurised and action orientated world of small and medium sized business, a coach might well be the ultimate…

Residential Accommodation

A reminder that, effective 1 March 2012, the value of “B” in the prescribed formula (for calculating the taxable value…

Cheque Payments

SARS has now confirmed that as from 16 July 2012, cheque payments over R500 000 will no longer be accepted…

Medical Tax Credits

Since the introduction of the Medical Tax Credits (MTC) in March 2012, there continues to be a number of queries…

Tips – Are they taxable?

In the past there has been some confusion about whether gratuities in the form of tips earned by waitrons, which…