The Employment Equity Act (EEA) places a legal obligation on “designated employers” to retain records of its workforce, its employment equity plan and other records relevant to its compliance with the EEA.
It is advisable to keep records of all interviews conducted with job applicants. In terms of the EEA, a job applicant may challenge a recruitment decision on the basis of unfair discrimination within six months of the recruitment decision – a period for which the employer should retain the relevant records.
Other employee-related legislation includes the Skills Development Act and theOccupational Health and Safety Act, both of which also prescribe those records employers are obliged to retain.
Employers bound by such legislation are urged to familiarise themselves with the provisions of these Acts to avoid penalties.
You could retain all documentation in files and archive them or discuss your needs with [email protected] and investigate keeping all your records on the internet linked to each employee – always available from anywhere at any time in our online HR/Payroll system – eTorQue.